Sunday 31 May 2009

More sun, more cider, and more s.... annoying-the-male-friend's-new-girlf

Tis apparently the last day of summer up North, and my sunburn will attest this fact for many weeks to come. The fronts and backs of my legs are nicely pink (3/4 days to tan), however that leaves a very white stripe down the side. I am adidas. I have been reeboked. Whatever. I look ridiculous.

And last night I managed to step on an upturned drawing pin. The Mother has kindly checked the vaccination records, and informed me that my tetanus has run out. Yay. So my day at the beach tomorrow is being interrupted by a GP appointment for a top up. Probably appropriate, seeing as I spent today wandering barefoot outside, with an open puncture wound.

Hopefully this run of bad luck can end tomorrow. We have a second viewing of the flat we saw on Friday night, because our other flatmate was away - another excuse to meet HOTTT property owner and reassess the place without having our moneyman over our shoulders.

Results on Tuesday! I even took my anatomy book sunbathing with me today, in the hope of prize orals! Or just cos I'm a geek. Either or.

As for the new girlf of my favourite male uni-based friend (as, of course, R is my best male friend). She is under the bizarre delusion that I have designs on her man. I don't, obviously, but it is hilarious to watch her bristle at finding him and me sunbathing together, otherwise alone.

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