Saturday 16 May 2009

Going for the world record in procrastination...

Greetings Saturday. Would you mind awfully if you could just stop, and restart? Please? No? Oh. Kthxbye.

No weekend lie-ins today, due to some moron burning his breakfast. If there's gonna be a fire alarm, it would have to be on the wettest, coldest day of May, wouldn't it. Yay.
And as if that didn't put a downer on the weekend already, our toaster got confiscated. Yes, confiscated, like a Pokemon card in a primary school. It's crime? Fusing the electrical circuits of our entire floor. Oops.

I just wanna get out of halls. Like, now. Ok, so there are only three weeks left til I'm home but, gah, I just wanna stop living out of boxes! My frickin underwear lives in a box, for crying out loud! My bedside table is a box!

Is it too much to ask for real furniture? Meh, if I can survive the long (currently unemployed) summer, I get my own room, in a flat shared with ONLY two other people, with a SOFA and a BATH and a DINING TABLE THAT WILL SEAT MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE! Oh, and a real cooker (damn you, Baby Belling. Just die already!). Plus... the bonus of only buying a 2 bed house, to be occupied by 3 people is [drum roll] we have to convert the lounge into bedroom number 3. Which means (a) bigger room, (b) bay window, and (c) antique Victorian tiled fireplace!

I'm so psyched! Proper bookshelves, and a chest of drawers, and a comfy desk chair... Gah, furniture freak.

Finally (and then I promise I'll go study. Or go to the shop to stock up on Nutella. Oh, there's no point. I have no toast to schmear it on. Today SUCKS), I'm trying to order my steth for the start of second year, and have no idea which colour to buy. Yeh, life changing decision. There're all dark and murky! Except the fluoro orange, which just looks bizarre, the baby blue and pink, which look like you already picked out Paeds as your specialty, and bubblegum pink. If it had actually been BRIGHT pink, it'd be dangling round my neck already. However, it's just kind of a normal pink with a sheen to it?

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