Wednesday 3 June 2009

Final Fresher's Fondness

I missed out 2 whole days of blogging! May the bloggod spear me with his lightening emoticons.

So... Monday - Amnesia. I may have slept.
Tuesday - RESULTS! I passed all 3 of my modules, my little flatmate passed all hers plus her resit, and my big flatmate passed too! And... I'm in line for a prize for the psychosocial module! So far I'm in the top 3 out of our year group! Still pretty much in shock over that, seeing as I was getting pretty nervous as to whether I'd even passed that exam!
Early start tomorrow for tutor meeting and then Prize Viva! Trying not to revise... trying, and will probably fail by bedtime.

R and I's 1 year anniversary is fast approaching, and our relationship is stepping up a gear too - I'm moving in for the week that his housemates are on holiday. I'm not entirely sure how well this will go. He's working a lot of overtime, and I'm currently unemployed. Domestic bliss it will not be.

What is domestic bliss is that I made cakes today! From the remnants of flour, sugar, cereal, sultanas, smarties, and milk laying around the kitchen. Creative, huh? And they don't seem to have poisoned anyone yet, so bonus points! All the crockery, cutlery, and other cooking-concerned condiments are packed away in boxes, ready for the great Halls Exodus on Friday. As if the pile of boxes isn't already at head height...

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