Thursday 21 May 2009

The Fear is here.

And shows no signs of waning.

Thankfully the library has finally succumbed to demand and agreed to an extra hour on weeknights. Although the only weeknight before exams start is... tonight. ARGH!!!

Finally got down to the anatomy lab today. I think that induced the Fear. I know NOTHING. I picked up a 'uterus', only for someone to go "ooh, a bladder!" We may only have 2 body regions to learn for this exam, but there's a pretty huge amount of stuff crammed in there! Not to mention Mr Anatomy's obsession with lymph. Bleh.

On the good side, I got my MRI results back! I've fractured the distal tubercle of my scaphoid, and longitudinally fractured my lunate. And according to the (fourth!) set of x-rays, the scaphoid injury is an old one! So much for my claim of never having broken a bone! Ah well, still get my extra time in exams :)

Anything else happened? Erm... nah. As for the outside world, I haven't seen it recently. Ask me again on Wednesday.

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