Saturday 9 May 2009


Saw Project Zero over at Lily's and figured it'd be a great procrastination idea :D I figure 1001 days will run into my 4rd year,so some of the 'whoah - big ambition' ideas won't look so scary then...I have til February 4th, 2012!

1. Cut spending to under £50/week.
2. Start horse-riding again.
3. Join a university club or society.
4. Go to at least one surgical skills workshop.
5. Get a paper published.
6. Assist in theatre.
7. Get under 9 stone again! And stay there....
8. Get engaged.
9. Dye my hair (first time for everything!)
10. Own a piece of jewellery that costs over £100 (not inc engagement ring).
11. Figure out why I want to do Ortho.
12. Learn to love my body.
13. Go skiing.
14. Read at least 250 new books (fiction!).
15. Own at least five items of furniture.
16. Blog at least once a week.
17. Make financial plans for the future, including investing my savings.
18. Learn to organise my bills.
19. Learn to tile a wall.
20. Learn basic plumbing.
21. Learn how to fix the 'lectrix.
22. Learn to fix a car.
23. Become proficient at woodwork.
24. Cook a three course meal, from scratch.
25. Cook Christmas dinner for at least four people.
26. Visit Rome.
27. Visit Prague.
28. Visit Paris.
29. Go to Asia.
30. Go on an impromptu road trip.
31. Watch the ballet.
32. See a musical in the West End.
33. Give blood.
34. Sign up for the Marrow Register.
35. Watch the sun rise with someone I love.
36. See the stars, and be able to name some.
37. Decorate my new bedroom.
38. Move my favourite things from my parents' house to my new flat.
39. Not cry for a month.
40. Not seriously injure myself more than once per academic year.
41. Take up Ballet again.
42. Exercise at least once a week.
43. Paint my big canvas.
44. Have a professional photo shoot of me and R together.
45. Be a research guinea-pig.
46. Have a place on an intercalated program applicable to my career plans.
47. Find my style.
48. Re-do therapy. Myself. No CPN's up here...
49. Visit Edinburgh.
50. Dance in the Uni Dance Soc Showcase.
51. Cannulate.
52. Recycle all recycleable rubbish.
53. Ride a roller-coaster. A real one. At Alton Towers.
54. Swim in the sea at night.
55. Steal a road sign (preferably 'man putting up umbrella').
56. Attend an Aberdeen FC Vs Celtic game at Pittodrie
57. Ask a stranger where they bought their shoes.
58. Get a credit card, and use it responsibly.
59. Have a joint bank account.
60. Make friends with my neighbours.
61. Be in two countries at once.
62. Go to a Ceilidh.
63. Own a pet.
64. Declutter my wardrobe.
65. Attend a uni ball.
66. Tend a garden.
67. Find the study style that suits me.
68. Get a 20 at least once a semester.
69. Have sex outdoors.
70. Stop buying greetings cards - make my own.
71. Make up with Hannah.
72. Visit Sweden.
73. Climb a munro.
74. Come off Prozac.
75. Meet a giraffe.
76. Ride in an ambulance.
77. Witness trauma treatment on-scene.
78. Ride in a helicopter.
79. Work at the London Olympics.
80. Have a job in uni town.
81. Make a curry from scratch.
82. Have a professional bra-fitting.
83. Wear heels to uni.
84. Talk to my lil bro at least once a week - and not just to say 'is mum/dad in?'
85. Find a new favourite author (sorry, Ms Picoult...)
86. Work as a barmaid /waitress.
87. Work as a check-out girl.
88. Work as a secretary.
89. Work as a manual labourer.
90. Buy new heels without feeling guilty.
91. Replace the lop-sided ponytail with a new look.
92. Celebrate New Year in a different country.
93. Save a life.
94. Write a will.
95. Study first, procrastinate later.
96. Have a FaceBook free fortnight.
97. Go to the cinema alone.
98. Buy/sell on eBay.
99. Shop vintage.
100. Love, don't begrudge.
101. Write a new 101/1001 list...

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