Saturday 21 February 2009

Romance and Reproduction

Beautiful weekend back home with the boyf :) All those hours stuck on scummy trains was worth it, even though a week later I'm still battling a virus I caught on said train.
So I have flowers covering the smell of eau de sock, and putting up with lily dust dropping onto my keys constantly. There are smelly fake rose petals too, for when the real ones die off. My R thinks of everything :)

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I have no idea where this week of classes disappeared to. My orbitalis frontalis is all wrinkled at the very thought. In fact I've done so little that I'm not even certain I haven't just invented a new muscle.
We've left reproductive behind, moving onto the complete pisstake that is the renal system. I LIKED repro, however gross it was and however much it made me want to opt for a C section. The anatomy made sense. It correlated with the physiology. And there was loads of clinical stuff :D

15 year old female with amenorrhoea. I knew everyone else would suggest the HPO axis problems. Screw that. Option A: she's pregnant. Option B: she's on contraceptives that cease menstruation and failed to understand this.

Apparently my thought process makes me cynical and negative, according to our repro tutor. Ah well. I don't do thinking outside the box very often, so when I do, it makes me smile.

Reminds me of the time in Primary, when we were asked 'what is a table?' in Maths class. Lil Jelly: "Piece of wood with four legs." Oh I got a bollocking for that one...

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