Sunday 27 April 2008

Vegetarian, ye shall die a painful death

As told to me by a senior colleague the other day.

Ok, so she may have phrased it differently. The gist of it was that all vegetarians are anaemic and protein-deficient and don't have enough Omega-3 and something else. I think I tuned out for a bit.

I'm not the most strict vegetarian you'll ever meet (or meat, geddit? No? Oh...)

I eat my veg, but I hate most types of fruit, and if you take me to Damons, I will be ordering the BBQ ribs. The sauce is so fantastic it makes up for the rubbish meat underneath.

I don't even like the taste of meat any more. It's been five years since I was an omnivore and I don't think I'd go back. I love my Quorn, and my vegeburgers, and nut cutlets and everything.

But Ms "Ye shall burn in hell for your dis-service to the meat industry" has obviously implanted some thoughts in my head.

Meaning that breakfast now includes an Iron and Vitamin C tablet.

I'm also drinking Diet Coke plus antioxidant. Not for its super-drink powers. Just cos it was BOGOF in Tesco and I fancied trying it.

The verdict? No. Diet Coke and green tea were never meant to be in the same drink. Ever.

It does make me feel more healthy from drinking it. Not physically more healthy, obviously. But easing my conscience, like those freaks that think buying a Prius makes them eco-friendly, ignoring their three other cars with a carbon footprint the size of a Yeti. Numpties.

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