Wednesday 11 February 2009

1st year medical student coming through..!

Woo proper day of medical-student-ness today!

9am lecture was an impromptu coffee hour cos the lecturer was snowed out of the campus.
An hour or so sat in the library alternately dozing and reading about kidneys. The body part, not the constituent of steak pie.
Trek out to the wilds of the suburbs to meet a patient! Yay! Proper reason to dress up all smart!

*Reminder to self: any earrings that are not studs are lethal around grabby toddlers*

Back to the library for some embryology - lotsa gruesome pics of mangled defective babies.

3 episodes of Scrubs over dinner.

Life is gooood!

Although I could have bloody killed some lads in my lecture today who blatantly didn't want to listen or learn. If you have no interest in what the lecturer is saying, why bother showing up?! Seriously?!

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