Friday 26 June 2009

Miss Jelly, MBChB, FRCS - Give me ten years...

Just did the Virginia Medical Specialty Aptitude Test. I am a surgeon through and through. Top 6 were all surgical. Ortho was at No5, with Cardio & Thoracic at 1 & 2, but I really don't fancy CT at the moment. Too competitive. Hammer + chisel + patient = Happy Jelly

I KNOW it's far too early to be looking at specialties. Survey my class and the answers for future specialty are 95% "Don't know; probably GP or Paeds". However, two of the chef's I worked with this week, once they discovered I was a medic, decided that they could see me as a GP. After watching me slice up a very human-flesh-like piece of pork with a vengeance (and a chef's arm also on the chop board for comparison), they changed their minds.

So far, the specialty list (in my mind, at least) is:
1. Ortho
2. Emergency Medicine
3. Anaesthetics

Nothing fiddly, nothing that keeps me out of scrubs, nothing dull (I went to Rheum Outpatients with Mum today and nearly fell asleep. It's never lupus.)

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