Saturday 11 July 2009

Summer has... started?

Greetings (to myself, clearly, since my blog readership = nil).

Since last time... Earnt £114 selling strawberries. Got extremely tanned doing so. Went to York with the boyf to celebrate one year together! Had an awesome time doing the round of museums and places like Clifford's Tower & The Minster, and then spent the day itself out at Brimham Rocks, which I ADORE. Been going to Brimham since I was a kid, and R loved it just as much, scrambling up 30ft boulders without a care in the world. Amazing views right across the Dales, too. Anyway, 1 year down, many more to go, I hope :)

Got a few employment options to pursue now.
There's shifts going as a factory packer in the city, which honestly sounds like the suckiest slave labour ever. Gonna inquire about wages before I even consider that, I think.
Option 2 is ringing up the events company I worked for at the show and asking what they have. My friend who also did the show is spending the weekend at York races with the company, so looks like work IS available. And £50/day isn't at all bad...
The third choice is actually sending out my forms for the Independant Hospital! They've been in my handbag for weeks cos I can't ever get round to finishing them!

I have progress on the CV-relevant funtimes too - the ambulance service is all sorted, and I'm going in on Monday to meet my placement supervisor and chat about what I'll actually be doing, and then the following Monday I'm in!
I got a consultant from my work experience times (07!) to agree to let me tag along for a week with him too, so that's my Ortho experience for this summer totally sorted! I'm pretty psyched for this - it's been two years since I've seen theatre and I cannot wait to get scrubbed, and this time I might get to assist, or at least stand by the table! Woo! :D
As for the rest... Well. Research Supervisor is currently unresponsive. And I can't confirm my audit back in UniTown until some of these placements start dropping into place and I can actually offer firm dates.

A flat to stay in while doing my audit would be uber-helpful, too. I'm actually looking into 1-beds right now, as a 'just-in-case'. We've bid on 3 properties, and so far - zilch. Mum & I have kinda set a mental deadline of end of August before we start panicking! Gah! We just need this place to be perfect, since it's a sale, not a rental, and therefore it's gonna be our (me, K, & E) home for the next 3 or so years (until K gets married, and I intercalate).

Chill, Jell-o. Pour out another glass of the Vin-o and chill-o.

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