Friday 12 June 2009

Domestic bliss

Just got back after a night at the boyf's. He's been working non-stop recently, so we took advantage of him finishing at 7pm yesterday and not starting til 10am today to go out. Went to see The Hangover, which is awesome! The whole audience were wetting themselves laughing - it was more surreal than purile, thankfully! I wasn't really in the mood for toilet jokes, but finding Mike Tyson's tiger in the bathroom? Definitely :D

Another day of doing nothing, I think... Domestic stuff, plus a quick trawl of houses for sale in uni-town, since I'm still homeless there, and a lengthy trawl of cars for sale in home-town. Not that I need a car until I get a job, but there's no harm being prepared!

The boyf has finally asked me to cough up some cash towards bills to ingratiate the housemates. Not that they've started complaining yet, but given the unreserved hatred of the last girlfriend to assume residency, I'm more than happy to throw some cash in their direction! It's fair enough, I do live there about 3/7 of the time, and I'm not paying rent anywhere else yet.
I'm moving in for a week in about 10 days, while the housies are on holiday - I'm being turned into a domestic goddess while R is out at work! He's expecting dinner on the table when he gets in and everything! So long as he doesn't expect me to clean out the rat trap, I don't mind...

Hometime is just being spent getting creative! I've turned a scrap of knitting into a funky wrist cuff, complete with gothic studs, and made some buttoned patches to turn into new cushion covers for when we finally get a sofa in the new uni house. The next step is to finally get those penny earrings done, but the cat disapproves quite strongly of me using the drill...

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