Saturday 21 February 2009

Romance and Reproduction

Beautiful weekend back home with the boyf :) All those hours stuck on scummy trains was worth it, even though a week later I'm still battling a virus I caught on said train.
So I have flowers covering the smell of eau de sock, and putting up with lily dust dropping onto my keys constantly. There are smelly fake rose petals too, for when the real ones die off. My R thinks of everything :)

- - -

I have no idea where this week of classes disappeared to. My orbitalis frontalis is all wrinkled at the very thought. In fact I've done so little that I'm not even certain I haven't just invented a new muscle.
We've left reproductive behind, moving onto the complete pisstake that is the renal system. I LIKED repro, however gross it was and however much it made me want to opt for a C section. The anatomy made sense. It correlated with the physiology. And there was loads of clinical stuff :D

15 year old female with amenorrhoea. I knew everyone else would suggest the HPO axis problems. Screw that. Option A: she's pregnant. Option B: she's on contraceptives that cease menstruation and failed to understand this.

Apparently my thought process makes me cynical and negative, according to our repro tutor. Ah well. I don't do thinking outside the box very often, so when I do, it makes me smile.

Reminds me of the time in Primary, when we were asked 'what is a table?' in Maths class. Lil Jelly: "Piece of wood with four legs." Oh I got a bollocking for that one...

Friday 13 February 2009

Training the heart to hold...

I'm on a train. As I was three hours ago. I will still be on a train in another three hours. How did Scotland and England end up so far apart?

I don't actually mind long solitary journeys. It's a nice opportunity to chill out by myself and think (I'd do this if there wasn't some loud Scotch lass down the carriage from me). And watch beautiful scenery pass by (I'd do this, if it weren't pitch black outside).

Instead, I'm left with some intermittent pondering. I'm heading home to see R! He's on the road, navigating through ice and fog to pick me up from the train station (2 hours from home). He's a lovely boy :)

This is luxury. Double seat, cos my seatmate forgot to get on at Glasgow :) Sug plocket for my Delia compy :) Enough leg room to curl up, cross legged, and type away to my heart's content, with no one looking through the gap in the seats over my shoulder.

My first ever proper Valentine's weekend! I'm thinking flowers, jewellry, romantic dinner a deux, woodland walks, bedtime cuddles... I might get the last one. I'm setting my expectations low... No disappointments. Nah, I'm (sort of) kidding. It's gonna be a fantastic weekend, even if we spend the whole time stuck in the house with his housemates in front of the telly. Just cos I get to spend time with R. Aww, I'm all mushy. Like a marshmallow.

Talking of edibles, I have cookies! Proper Millie's cookies! :D Num num num num num...

Thursday 12 February 2009

White spots in my vision

There is a limit to my snow tolerance. It was passed last Tuesday. Walking the 5miles round trip for hospital based tutorials is less than fun in clear weather. In 3 inches of (still falling) snow, it's a nightmare.

Especially getting there to find that the clinician teaching us had skived, so we were stuck with the Head of Anatomy - twat.

Bonus points: rest of the day off! :D

So I think the plan for this fine Thursday is to chill out with Langman's gross babies and a big mug of tea.

And tomorrow I'm going home! Yay! Valentine's weekend with R!
I am so excited! I've not seen him in over four weeks so it'll be a massively cuddly mushy reunion on the station platform. My first proper Valentine's, and I get to spend it with my gorgeous man :)

Wednesday 11 February 2009

1st year medical student coming through..!

Woo proper day of medical-student-ness today!

9am lecture was an impromptu coffee hour cos the lecturer was snowed out of the campus.
An hour or so sat in the library alternately dozing and reading about kidneys. The body part, not the constituent of steak pie.
Trek out to the wilds of the suburbs to meet a patient! Yay! Proper reason to dress up all smart!

*Reminder to self: any earrings that are not studs are lethal around grabby toddlers*

Back to the library for some embryology - lotsa gruesome pics of mangled defective babies.

3 episodes of Scrubs over dinner.

Life is gooood!

Although I could have bloody killed some lads in my lecture today who blatantly didn't want to listen or learn. If you have no interest in what the lecturer is saying, why bother showing up?! Seriously?!

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Hormonal imbalances and other Jelly traits...

I LOVE my course right now!!!

After weeks of complete apathy, I'm well and truly head over heels for Medicine again. We've just completed the Endocrine system (well, we have the plenary problem session tomorrow) and are getting stuck into Reproductive.


I had my (gloved) hand in a pouch of Douglas today! It's so deep! Ok, so sticking my hand inside a cadaver is nothing new, and it's standard anatomy class stuff, but it was so awesome. Studying reproductive anatomy this week has really made me look at the human body and go "WOW".

The uterus is so cute! Womb Service! Hehe...

Seriously though, I am so up for surgery! I want the anatomy I'm learning to be be daily relevant. I want to spend the rest of my working life slicing into a body cavity and exhaling in wonder at the neatness of everything, the perfect tangle of nerves and vessels, the smoothness of peritoneal layers.

I'm so super loved up with anatomy. The difference between this term and last is that I spent three hours last night watching Aclands, so I actually knew what I was looking at in the DR today. Which meant no blank looks when the green coats started asking questions :) I love being grilled when I know the answers.

And hormones! Ooh! There's so many little abbreviated names and it's crazy thinking in molecular terms again (I thought we left that behind in the Basic Sci module) but it's so fascinating!

Especially with one lecturer who is ace! He's not even a clinician and yet I'm all gooey over him. He knows his hormones though! And he makes it sound so simple; at least to me. Make one, which makes this bit make that one, which makes this tissue do that. So cool!

I can't wait to get to grips with clinical! Learning anatomy and systems in normality is all very well, but I wanna get into patients and pathologies!!! Normal systems are for physiologists.

I'm just totally gushing in this post.
Summary: Jelly goes 'Aaahh' over the body beautiful.

I am NOT the Michelin man...

Not amused by the weather!!! iGoogle tells me that yesterday was -8C and today was -5C! Getting dressed of a morn now involves: tshirt, light jumper, shirt, jumper, hoodie, coat. And walking boots to deal with the snow/slush/death ice.

HomeTown had even more snow, but at least that melts! Gah!