Wednesday 11 June 2008

MAJOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS *anti-climax alert*

Yet again, Jelly getting all giddy and excited about tiny little things that she should really learn to read less into.

S has sent me a text last thing at night pretty much every night since we've known each other, so I'm used to gettin a text late at night just sayin 'night night hun xx' or my personal favourite 'night night sexy, ya know i'd be cuddling ya all night if i was there xx'.

I got my first goodnight text from R the other night. It was simply 'night Jelly' (of course, he used my real name, not Jelly, but you get the gist), because I hadn't text him back from a previous little text convo we were having.

Tonight I got a goodnight text with a kiss. This is significant (to me, at least. To anyone else, it means nothing. Less than nothing).

There are never kisses on R's texts. I've always been careful not to put any little x's on my texts to him either, while I'll nearly always add 'xx' to the end of any text to S, just because it's blatantly public that I fancy the pants off S.

So now I'm off to sleep, or at least to lay in bed and gurgle excitedly about text kisses :)

Sad, moi? Never.

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