Thursday 29 May 2008

Men are... just plain confusing

Despite saying I wouldn't mention Mr Not-Quite-So-Perfect-But'll-Do-For-Now, I will anyway. There have been certain ups and downs since I last wrote.

Major up: 5 hours at his house Sunday night while his housemates were out on the town. I left at 1.30am feeling like a very happy bunny indeedio.

Ok, so the highlight of the evening came four hours after I arrived, and after I'd spent three and a half hours sat across the room from him on a different sofa. Now that's dedication. But after much tickling - you wouldn't believe that a man would be curled up whimpering like a toddler at a bit of tickling, but clearly he's a wuss - and beatings with the remote (Accidental, my arse!) there was finally kissing and cuddling :D Woo! Cue one very happy Jelly.

Major down: the text a day or so later. Do you see a pattern emerging? I do. I think what I should learn from this experience is that my phone should stay resolutely in my handbag for an entire 24hrs after any kind of Jelly-man contact. For my own safety, if not for the safety of the entire male population. Ok, so it wasn't a 'lets just be friends' text, which I'm grateful for. It was a 'No of course you didnt outstay your welcome! Im just cautious bout gettin involved in something, it not workin out, and ballsing up the holiday'.
Fair play to him. It's a valid point. So I'm now trying my hardest to play it cool and not text him every second of every day, despite the fact I'd love to.

I swear men are like buses. None for absolutely ages, then three come along at once. Yep, not only is there Mr Perfect (who I'm still completely in love with), Mr Not-So-Perfect, but there's also Mr I-Thought-We-Were-Well-And-Truly-Finished-Months-Ago.

Hmm.. life is strange. But very good :D

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