Thursday 14 January 2010

Wanted: companion for cardboard box


Just as I thought things were getting a little teeny weeny bit sorted. My new job is going great, I have an out-patients appointment soon to finally figure out the breathing issues, I actually have money in the bank, all persons in the flat are communicating with one another, uni is reasonable, potential flatmate for next year was almost confirmed... Yeh, scrap that last one. Potential flatmate, or Ry, as we'll call him, has just blogged about his future housing options when his current lease expires. Turns out I am not his only option, and that I am being juggled while he contemplates which of his options is safer.

It's "probably a good idea, has a fair chance of working" vs "probably not a good idea, could go very well or very badly". Given my run of luck (and some other factors), I'd lay good money that I'm option 2.

I'm flummoxed as to who No1 is. All I have to go on is that it's "another medical student". Textathon is currently ensuing to come up with anyone on our course who has no fixed living arrangement and is (in)sane enough to consider living with Ry.

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