Saturday 9 January 2010

New Year Resolution? Stay in 09. In bed.

Supposedly, snow permitting, I will be trudging back to University on Monday. I say this with immense joy in my bouyant heart.


You see, holidays were pretty average. Not dire, not exciting, just average. Until I received a lovely email (via Facebook - classy) informing me that I am to move out before third year starts. There's been somewhat of a personality clash this year between myself and one of my two flatmates. Had we been living in a normal flat, we'd have just grinned and beared it. However. The flat we reside in is owned by the flatmate. Therefore, in the case of us being unable to live with each other, the short straw is mine. Always mine.

So, because we "haven't really got on as well this year as we did last year", I'm being kicked out. Typically, I'm told this just after the deadline for commercial halls closes. The only rooms left are £115 a week. Which I most definitely cannot afford.

I really did not think I would be perusing the letting agent's websites again after only such a short period of time. What makes it suck worse? That my current rent is the outer limit of what I can afford, and was subsidised by the fact that the flat is 'friend'-owned. Next year is gonna involve a lot more cash, more loans, more overdrafts, and more debt. Thanks, richkid.

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