Sunday 16 August 2009

Bye bye homelessness :)

Lab stuff is finally over. Did some immunophenotyping, and immunfluorescence, but mainly cell culturing and making up and aliquoting media.

Also in the meantime, I have been out for 3 birthdays (18th, 20th, 20th) and a bbq (SEVERE food poisoning from a Quorn sausage :( We are absolving the Taboo (with apple sourz & vodka additions) from all responsibility for subsequent sickiness). Plus a weekend in Reading with my bestest friend from all the way back to the first days of primary school!! Not seen her in 4 years so we had an awesome gossipy catch up :)

Work has been cancelled this week (the perils of casual labour), except for Thursday, so my £300 expected profit has dwindled to... £60. That ain't paying no rent....

...on my new flat which we just bought!!!! I'm not homeless any more!! I'm very excited (a little miffed that this is the flat we viewed in April. We've since made 2 offers on it, and have finally been accepted, conditional to downstairs agreeing to some rather essential maintenance of our kitchen (it's had a disagreement with the main building and is slowly pulling away...) and negotiating a reasonable moving date)!!

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