Sunday 23 August 2009

Boyfriend = deadmeat.

Ortho starts on Monday! Super excited for my first ever placement as a medical student!

[EDIT: Shit, that's tomorrow. I know no anatomy! I will be shot down!]

Erm.... since last posting, I have:
-cried, like, six times.
-bought new undies (matching, for the first time in my life!)
-broken the 'o' button on my laptop to the extent that it requires a small beating to produce each letter.
-bought new trainers, that I don't like, but have no way of returning...
-virtually furnished the new flat (yeh, I mean virtually as in internet-window-shopping, not actually purchasing. Not my job, not my money).
-very nearly dumped my boyfriend.

Ha, that last one was less mundane than the rest. All I will say, for posterity's sake, since I haven't really mentioned it anywhere else, is that he was a twat. He went in a strip club, and then lied about it for six months, to 'protect' me from the truth. Needless to say, I went nuts. Crying, hair pulling (I had trichotillomania as a child, and it's never really left me), hitting lying scum every time he came near me [as an aside, he did wipe my snotty nose and dry my eyes, regardless of the punches he sustained while doing so], and, once I'd calmed down a little, went upstairs to our room and pulled all the cards I'd ever sent him off the walls, and all the photos of the two of us together, and put them, together with every one of my possessions that resides at his, into the drawer under the bed, ready for disposal/collection at a later date.

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