Sunday 14 December 2008

Like a phoenix...

Procrastinating like a true med student. So I'm finally here, cooped up in my little room in halls. And I'm not exaggerating about the little. If I tip my chair back, I hit the bed. If I sit on the end of the bed, I kick the wardrobe. I can almost touch both sides of the room at once. I do love it though :) Covered in Zac Efron posters, shelves packed with my books and DVDs (House boxsets are hugely detrimental to anatomy study), fairy lights dangling above my desk... It's my space and no one else's.

And the reason I'm back to blogging? I have to do a mini-presentation on 'Outline the main inequalities in health in Britain' tomorrow morning. I've known this for six weeks. I have 5 papers printed out and highlighted. But no actual written notes... It was all damn perfect til the one paper I thought had all the answers turned out to be based on a Dutch population. Doesn't quite match the requirement of 'in Britain'.

Nearly done with it now. Three pages of prose (never did get the whole idea of bullet points) about the Black Report, child poverty, socioeconomic groupings, and 'why eczema has a higher incidence in the highest socioeconomic classes despite no biological reasoning for this'. And I enjoyed writing it :S

Probably because I actually felt like a medical student, perusing papers from journals to find proof that supported what I wanted to say. Not just Wiki-ing the title and copy-pasting. Add to that the fact that I actually have to trek to the hospital for tomorrow's tutorial and I may as well throw the stethoscope round my neck now.

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