Friday 11 July 2008

Officially the other half of R

Ok, so much has happened since I last managed to scribble anything down here that I'm a little lost myself. The basics are that R and I are now officially an item. As are H and S. Where would life be without Facebook's relationship status'?

I've lost track of how many times I've seen R. There was the pub/bowling night, which was pretty amazing. Stunningly amazing. Dinner at the pub was alright. I met his friend and housemate L, and we got on like a house on fire.
Then R, L, H, HW, and I went bowling. A bit of competitive banter between me and R, and L, and then we all got thrashed by L. Although he later described me as a 'worthy opponent'. Love it....
What happened after we left the bowling alley was just... surreal. I'd spent the evening being mocked for never having seen classic Disney, so we got out to the car park and R put his car stereo on, and puts 'Under The Sea' on. Somehow, over the next hour, the five of us ended up dancing in the moonlight, in this empty car park, to Disney tunes, and oldies Queen songs, and some funky S Club.

The following weekend I somehow managed to get roped into decorating. I'm not arty. I'm not even co-ordinated. Yet R and L willingly handed me a paint brush and let me loose on their new house. Muppets....

Another reason that R is totally amazing: he made me conquer my fear of heights.

He put the ladder up and then told me to climb up, while holding it secure. Oh, I should also mention that this ladder was positioned ON THE STAIRS, so I was as far from the floor as was humanly possible.

I was stood at the top of this ladder, holding tightly onto it with one hand, and gingerly painting with the other, when I turned slowly to ask for more paint to realise that R was just sat in the hallway, watching me. Not holding the ladder. Needless to say he ended up with a considerable stripe of paint down him for that.

But after that, I was up and down the ladder like a little painty monkey, standing backwards on the top rung and leaning out across the stairway to paint the whole hallway. A kind of Van Gogh - Tarzan hybrid, if you will. With two ears....

Then the following night was Double Date II. S was finally back from the wilds of the Lake District, so the four of us went for dinner. H and I displayed our wonderful lack of punctuality by only being half ready when the guys showed up at H's to pick us up, so guess which muppet had to wander downstairs sans make up with damp hair to open the door?

I got home at 3am the following morning, with the massivest grin plastered across my face.

Dinner at a lovely italian restuarant (paid for entirely by the men) was followed by drinks at what has now become 'our' bar. We played some pool, had a few drinks (supposedly paid for by us girlies, but I don't think it worked out like that), and the two couples had a little kiss n cuddle on their respective ends of the sofa.

Then we headed back to S's. I'd asked R a few days beforehand if I could borrow a DVD; namely Enchanted. Yes, the Disney one with Patrick Dempsey in it. Yep, R owns that. And knows all the words to the songs. So he'd brought it with him, and we all piled into S's front room to watch it, with some rose that S had nabbed from H's bbq the week before....

Driving home as the sun rose was kinda cool. I missed most of it. I was half asleep, stretched out across the back of the car with my head on R's chest and his arm round me. S was doing his normal 'I am a cop and therefore shall drive as if on blues n twos' driving, and R asked him to slow down, and then told him off for driving round corners too sharply cos I was asleep! Sweet... And then when we got to mine he had to wake me up. I would have resorted to poking, if not tickling. R didn't. Lovely, sweet R.

That night (being the same day that I'd got home at 3am) the four of us met up AGAIN, for Pre-Spain Drinkies, as it's now popularly known. Plus M, M's new whore, RF, and L. No, L and M's W aren't coming to Spain, but we felt like being inclusive. Especially cos some of the real crew couldn't make it.

S was doing all the introductions, because none of us knew M's W, and he introduced me as R's other half :)

And then nearly a week later R finally asked me out....

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